
Bobcat Flat Phase III River Restoration Project, Tuolumne River Mile 44, Stanislaus County, California
M&A acquired all environmental permits necessary for this river restoration project to restore salmonid habitat along the Dredger Tailing Reach of the Tuolumne River in Stanislaus County, California. Acquired a Clean Water Act Section 404 permit (Nationwide Permit 27 for restoration), a Section 401 water quality certification, a Section 1602 Streambed Alteration Agreement, negotiated with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service during Section 7 consultation pursuant to the federal Endangered Species Act for the project’s potential effect on the valley elderberry longhorn beetle. Obtained a Programmatic Biological Opinion from the National Marine Fisheries Service for restoring the river for salmonid habitat. Conducted nesting surveys for special-status bird species. This included U.S. Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) protocol-level surveys for nesting Least Bell’s Vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) which require eight surveys between April and July, conducted ten days apart, as well as CDFW protocol-level surveys for nesting Swainson’s Hawks (Buteo swainsoni) which requires six surveys over two survey periods. Other special-status birds surveyed for included the Tricolored Blackbird (Agelaius tricolor) and the Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). These surveys resulted in a positive identification of a Swainson’s Hawk nest, a Cooper’s Hawk (Accipiter cooperii) nest, as well as a White-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus)nest, among other more common nesting bird species. All nesting attempts were successful. 2018- 2022. Survey work continuing in 2023. Client: Tuolumne River Conservancy.

Napa Valley Unified School District, City of American Canyon, California
M&A acquired necessary environmental permits for the construction of a high school and middle school on 67 acres of a 380-acre site in the City of American Canyon (Napa County, California). M&A conducted surveys for special-status plants and animals, and identified the federally listed threatened California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii) on the site. M&A also conducted an Aquatic Resources Delineation (i.e., wetland assessment) that was confirmed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. M&A developed mitigation plans for the California red-legged frog and for wetlands that included the creation of a 313-acre Preserve and the construction of a 1.09-acre seasonal pond. M&A prepared a biological impacts and mitigation analysis for inclusion in an Environmental Impact Report prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). M&A also prepared a Biological Assessment for a formal U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Section 7 consultation. Permits were acquired from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service processed an Incidental Take Permit for impacts to the California red-legged frog. M&A assisted with the construction of the 1.09-acre mitigation pond and monitored its performance for five years. M&A obtained sign-off from the Corps and the RWQCB for the constructed wetland (mitigation pond). Client: Napa Valley Unified School District, Napa, California
Sonoma Raceway (formerly known as Sears Point Raceway), Sonoma County, California
M&A worked on a Master Planned Expansion of the Sonoma Raceway (formerly Sears Point Raceway) in Sonoma County. M&A conducted surveys for rare plants and animals on the 1,200-acre property. M&A acquired a Corps permit for impacts to 10 acres of waters of the U.S. that included impacts to California red-legged frog habitat. M&A prepared a Biological Assessment and facilitated the Corps effort to complete Section 7 consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Permits were acquired from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Regional Water Quality Control Board for impacts and improvements to stream channels and wetlands. M&A assisted with the establishment of a 205-acre preserve located on Raceway property. M&A drafted the conservation easement deed and negotiated its terms and conditions with prospective conservation organizations. M&A assisted with the design and construction of 10 plus acres of wetlands that would support the California red-legged frog within the preserve. These wetlands included the construction of four large ponds and adjacent seasonal wetlands. M&A monitored the constructed ponds and wetlands, California red-legged frog populations, California red-legged frog predator populations, and grazing levels within the preserve for a period of 10 years
Stonebridge Housing Development, Santa Rosa, California
M&A acquired necessary environmental permits for the Stonebridge Development and the Stonebridge Preserve, 2220 Fulton Road, Santa Rosa, California. Permits acquired included Clean Water Act Section 404 and Section 401 permits, and a Biological Opinion from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. M&A conducted surveys for special-status plants and animals on the project site, including a two-year U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service “protocol survey” for the federally listed threatened California tiger salamander (Ambystoma californiense). The results of all surveys were reported to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Client: Woodside Holdings LLC, San Rafael, California
Napa Logistics Park Phase II Project, City of American Canyon, California
The approximately 176-acre project site is located at the southern terminus of the southern portion of Devlin Road in the City of American Canyon, California. The project site is immediately south of the Napa County Airport. M&A acquired the necessary environmental permits for the construction of multiple industrial warehouses. M&A prepared a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Aquatic Resources Delineation report/map. M&A proposed, designed, and built mitigation wetlands on the project site. M&A conducted surveys for special-status plants and animals. M&A prepared permit applications for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Board, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and obtained all permits. Client: Orchard Partners, LLC, Lafayette, California
Chevron Pipe Line Company- Pipeline Dent RepairsM&A conducted initial site assessment of pipeline dent repair sites, and prepared Biological Resource Analysis reports to address potential impacts to state and federally listed species that could occur in the repair sites. Prepared and submitted permit applications to resources agencies for impacts to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Board, and California Department of Fish and Wildlife jurisdiction. Prepared a Programmatic Biological Assessment to provide a framework, or strategy, for addressing take of federally listed (and state listed) species that may occur at pipeline repair sites located along Chevron’s pipelines. Conducted preconstruction surveys and performed biological monitoring during dent repair work. Prepared Post-Construction Compliance Reports and conducted weed abatement monitoring on East Bay Regional Park District lands. A combination of onsite avoidance and protection measures and offsite mitigation measures detailed in the Programmatic Biological Assessment provided compensation for impacts to listed species potentially affected by the repair activities.
Chevron Pipe Line Company’s Bay Area Products Line, Arroyo Mocho, Alameda County, California
M&A prepared permit applications for Chevron Pipe Line Company’s Bay Area Products Line where it crossed Arroyo Mocho, Livermore, California. This 8–inch pipeline was exposed in the creekbed through scouring; and was above ground and exposed to stream flows and needed to be reburied. M&A prepared a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Preconstruction Notice under Nationwide Permit 12, prepared the application for a California Department of Fish and Wildlife Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement pursuant to Section 1602 of the California Fish and Game Code, and lastly prepared a Regional Water Quality Control Board Water Quality Certification application pursuant to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. M&A also conducted protocol level (nocturnal and diurnal) surveys for California red-legged frog (Rana aurora draytonii).
Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC (P66)
P66 owns and operates a petroleum product pipeline that extends from P66’s oil fields in the southern San Joaquin Valley to P66’s Refinery in Rodeo. M&A prepared a Programmatic Biological Resource Analysis to document how P66 complied with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (biological issues only) while conducting pipeline maintenance projects along P66’s Lines 100 and 200. The purpose of the analysis was to provide the CEQA Lead Agency, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, with a complete report that described existing biological resources along Lines 200 and 100 and identified potentially significant impacts that could occur to sensitive biological resources from future routine maintenance projects along the existing pipelines. M&A surveyed the pipeline, mapped “waters of the U.S. and State,” mapped habitats and plant communities, determined “critical habitat” areas where future surveys would be required for maintenance of the pipeline. The “Programmatic” Biological Resources Analysis provided a framework, or strategy, for addressing impacts to special-status species and other sensitive or significant biological resources that could occur at proposed routine maintenance project sites along Lines 100 and 200.
Aviano Adult Residential Housing Development, City of Antioch, California
M&A biologists prepared a Biological Resources Constraints Analysis for a proposed housing development on this approximately 189-acre property. M&A biologists also conducted rare plant surveys on the project site following California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s survey guidelines. Additionally, M&A conducted a jurisdictional wetland delineation on the project site for waters and wetlands that are regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. M&A developed wetland mitigation plans for this project, which included the acquisition of the 205.6-acre Ralph Property in eastern Contra Costa County, near Byron. M&A also prepared a Biological Assessment for impacts to the federally listed species California red-legged frog, California tiger salamander, vernal pool fairy shrimp, vernal pool tadpole shrimp, and San Joaquin kit fox as part of a Section 7 consultation between the Corps and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Client: DeNova Homes, Concord, California.
Engineered Soil Repairs, Strawberry Creek Culvert Project, Berkeley, California
M&A prepared a Riparian Enhancement Plan as directed by the California Department of Fish & Wildlife and CA Regional Water Quality Control Board in permits processed for a culvert repair project located in Strawberry Creek, Berkeley, California. The project was implemented to repair an existing culvert under a residential neighborhood as necessary to protect private residences that were adjacent to the affected section of Strawberry Creek. The Enhancement Plan detailed a California native species riparian planting plan that would be installed above the cribwall that was constructed immediately downstream of the culvert opening from under the residential neighborhood. Client: Engineered Soil Repairs, Walnut Creek, California
Vasco Road Sanitary Landfill, East Alameda County, California
M&A acquired permits for the expansion of this landfill including permits from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Board, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The project impacted the federally listed California tiger salamander and California red-legged frog. M&A assisted with the development and construction of four acres of wetland ponds on a 290-acre mitigation site donated to East Bay Regional Park District. This preserve became a part of Brushy Peak Regional Park owned and operated by East Bay Regional Park District. M&A negotiated the management endowment with the land owner (EBRPD) and the conservation easement grantee (CDFW). M&A monitored and assisted EBRPD with the management of the 290-acre preserve for five years. Monitoring tasks included hydrology monitoring, aquatic surveys of California red-legged frogs and California tiger salamander, cattle grazing monitoring, noxious weed monitoring and control, and general wildlife monitoring. Client: Republic Services Vasco Road, LLC
Napa County Public Works, California
M&A worked with the project engineer (Chaudhary Associates) on the Devlin Road/Fagan Creek Extension in the County of Napa. M&A prepared the CEQA biology analysis for the Devlin Roadway project. M&A’s report discussed the biological resources and potentially significant impacts that could occur to sensitive biological resources from the construction of a road extension and bridge across Fagan Creek. The Devlin Road Extension is a north-south collector road that is part of the Internal Circulation System Layout described in the Napa County Airport Industrial Area Specific Plan. The new layout will provide a through connection between the Soscol Ferry Road undercrossing and Green Island Road. The Devlin Road Extension will consist of a 4-lane road, with two travel lanes in each direction. M&A conducted formal rare plant surveys following the CDFG (2000) and CNPS (2001) published survey guidelines; preconstruction surveys for nesting birds, including all raptors and special-status birds. M&A prepared permit applications for the bridge portion of the project for submittal to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Regional Water Quality Control Board.
Highway 37 Sonoma Creek Bridge Widening Project
M&A assisted CalTrans with acquisition of a Federal Engineered Species Act Incidental Take Permit for project impacts to the federally listed salt marsh harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys raviventris). M&A had to assist with installation of rodent exclusion fencing, and trapped all rodents from within the enclosed areas clearing the way for CalTrans to complete the Highway 37 Bridge widening project. Client: CalTrans.
Industrial & Commercial Contractors, City of American Canyon, California
The Hanna Drive Bridge was constructed over North Slough in the City of American Canyon, California. M&A prepared a Streambed Alteration Agreement application for submittal to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and conducted focused field surveys for special status plants and wildlife at the Hanna Drive Bridge project. Specifically, M&A conducted formal rare plant surveys following the CDFG (2000) and CNPS (2001) published survey guidelines; preconstruction surveys for nesting birds, including all raptors and special-status birds; pre-construction surveys for special-status aquatic species, such as California freshwater shrimp (Syncaris pacifica), foothill yellow-legged frog (Rana boylii), and western pond turtle (Actinemys marmorata); and M&A conducted USFWS-approved protocol diurnal and nocturnal surveys for California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii) along North Slough. In addition, M&A conducted construction monitoring during the installation of an outfall structure under the Hanna Drive Bridge associated with the Hanna Warehouse project.
Shea Homes LaVigne Development, City of American Canyon, California
M&A acquired necessary environmental permits for the construction of 250 residential units on a 156-acre property located in the City of American Canyon, California. M&A prepared and acquired all necessary permits for an arch-culverted bridge crossing of Walsh Creek and for impacts to seasonal wetlands. Permits were acquired from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service also processed an Incidental Take Permit for impacts to the federally listed threatened California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii). M&A developed mitigation plans for wetlands and for the California red-legged frog that included the construction of approximately 2.5 acres of wetlands that would benefit this frog species. The 2.5 acres of wetland creation included 1,600 feet of new stream channel with 11 associated side pools. Client: Shea Homes, San Jose, CA.
Standard Pacific Homes, Vintage Ranch, City of American Canyon, California
The Standard Pacific Homes’ Vintage Ranch project is located in American Canyon, California and encompasses 214 acres. The project consisted of 684 residential lots, 10-acres of high-density residential development, a 10-acre elementary school, and 30 acres of parkland. M&A prepared and had the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers confirm a jurisdictional map of “waters of the United States” on the project site. M&A applied for and received permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife for impacts to waters of the U.S. and State. These impacts occurred to seasonal wetlands and to stream channels including construction of four, four lane bridges (two over American Canyon Creek and two over Newell Creek), two temporary bridges, two outfalls into American Canyon Creek, and two water quality basins in the American Canyon Creek corridor. Bridges were all conspan or prestress concrete spans. M&A also constructed a total of nine wetland mitigation pools totaling 2.73 acres in the creek corridor adjacent to American Canyon Creek and completed five years of monitoring these very successful wetlands. Client: Standard Pacific Homes
Atwater-Merced Expressway Project
On behalf of the Merced County Association of Governments, M&A acquired necessary environmental permits for the Phase 1A-Reduced Atwater-Merced Expressway Project. The project was to re-align State Route 99 (SR-99) at the Buhach Road Interchange, with associated on and off ramps and other crossings over Canal Creek for the proposed Phase 1A-Reduced Atwater-Merced Expressway road improvements project. The project was to extend north to Green Sands Avenue, west to Buhach Road, east to Gurr Road, and south to SR 99 and require construction 4 clear-span bridge structures over Canal Creek. One of the clear span bridges was over Canal Creek at Green Sands Avenue, the other three bridges were to be constructed for the northbound and southbound traffic lanes and a northbound onramp bridge along SR 99. The proposed project removed two Canal Creek bridges and Buhach Road undercrossing along SR 99. Temporary coffer dams were installed across Canal Creek to dewater the work area to facilitate the bridge and piling removal. Permits were acquired from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps).
City of Lathrop, Bridge Projects on the San Joaquin River, California
M&A worked on two bridges in the City of Lathrop. One bridge was a stand-alone pedestrian bridge constructed adjacent to an existing vehicle bridge and rail trestle. The other bridge was a stand-alone four lane vehicle and pedestrian bridge (Bradshaw’s Crossing). Both bridges spanned approximately 400 feet of the San Joaquin River. For both bridge projects M&A prepared permit applications and negotiated permit conditions. Both bridges required permits from the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Board, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the California Department of Water Resources. M&A negotiated project impacts and mitigations, and avoidance and minimization measures with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for both bridges. Both bridges required formal consultation by and between the U.S. Coast Guard and the USFWS/NMFS pursuant to Section 7 of the Federal Endangered Species Act. M&A provided Biological Assessments facilitating those Section 7 consultations. Additionally, as part of the Corps permitting loops, the California State Historic Preservation office was formally consulted to satisfy Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. M&A worked in close coordination with the U.S. Coast Guard acting as the federal lead agency in the preparation of all resource agency consultation material as well as NEPA reviews.
City of Oakland, Lake Merritt Channel Improvement Project
M&A acquired the necessary environmental permits from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Regional Water Quality Control Board, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the Lake Merritt Channel Improvement Project, including the bridges over the Lake Merritt Channel at 12th and 10th Street. The Lake Merritt Channel Improvement Project consisted of the demolition of the existing roadway and box culverts, the construction of a new clear-span vehicle bridge across the Channel, construction of new retaining walls adjacent to the Channel, relocation of existing utilities, construction of new emergency vehicle access (EVA) on the west side of the Channel, and construction of new multi-use pathways on both sides of the Channel and repair an existing pathway on the west side of the Channel. Both bridges were completed in two separate environmental permitting efforts. M&A also performed all necessary environmental compliance monitoring associated with special-status species, marine resources, and impacts to waters of the U.S. and State.
Solano Transportation Agency/CirclePoint – North Connector Project
The North Connector project in Solano County included the construction of a clear-span bridge across Suisun Creek. M&A conducted USFWS-approved protocol surveys for California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii) and valley elderberry longhorn beetle (Desmocerus californicus dimorphus) along Suisun Creek to determine if the proposed bridge would affect these federally listed species. M&A prepared a Natural Environmental Study for submittal to Caltrans addressing impacts to state and federally listed species that would be affected by the construction of the bridge over Suisun Creek. In addition, M&A prepared a Biological Assessment to address impacts to federally listed species that would be affected by the construction of the bridge over Suisun Creek for submittal to USFWS. M&A also prepared a Creek Revegetation and Enhancement Plan to address impacts to heritage trees and California native trees associated with the bridge over Suisun Creek.
Work Force Housing/Community Builders – Windsor Mill Project
The Windsor Mill project in Sonoma County included construction of a vehicular road crossing over Windsor Creek. M&A prepared permit applications for this project for submittal to California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the CA Regional Water Quality Control Board. M&A also initiated informal consultation with the National Marine Fisheries Service for potential impacts to Central California Coast steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Central California Coast Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), and Central California Coast Steelhead ESU designated critical habitat on Windsor Creek that could result from the proposed project. In addition, M&A assisted with the Creek Revegetation and Enhancement Plan that was prepared for this project to address impacts to riparian vegetation on the banks of Windsor Mill.
City of San Rafael – San Rafael Airport Recreational Facility
The San Rafael Airport Recreational Facility in Marin County included reconstruction of a bridge structure over the North Fork of Gallinas Creek. M&A conducted USFWS-approved protocol surveys for California clapper rail (Rallus longirostris obsoletus) along the North Fork of Gallinas Creek to determine if the proposed bridge work would affect this federally listed species. M&A prepared the biological section of the EIR for the City of San Rafael to assess potentially significant impacts that could occur to sensitive biological resources from the construction of a new recreational facility and the reconstruction of the bridge over the North Fork of Gallinas Creek.
City of Stockton
M&A conducted pre-project jurisdictional meetings and negotiations with the U.S. Coast Guard to establish the minimum navigational clearance requirements for a six lane vehicle and pedestrian bridge spanning approximately 300 feet of Pixley Slough in Stockton, California. M&A prepared and coordinated the CEQA analysis is support of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared by the City of Stockton. Surveys were conducted to rule out the presence of rare or endangered plants. M&A successfully obtained required permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Wildlife for the initial geotechnical survey investigations. Full project permit applications to the U.S. Coast Guard, Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Board, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, National Marine Fisheries Service, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service were partially complete prior to a “Stop Work” order implemented by the City of Stockton due to uncertainties in the local housing market.
San Joaquin County Council of Governments (SJCOG)
M&A is currently an on-call biologist for SJCOG. M&A has worked on numerous projects as an on-call biological contractor working with the SJCOG to implement the San Joaquin County Multi-Species Habitat Conservation and Open Space Plan (SJMSCP). M&A has been an SJCOG’s on-call biologist for over 10 years.
Terra Ranch Project, City of Manteca, California
M&A prepared a biological resource analysis for the proposed Terra Ranch Subdivision project site located in the City of Manteca, San Joaquin County, California. The 74.5-acre project site is located in the southwest part of the City of Manteca on the south side of Woodward Avenue, west of Airport Way. Biological resources included common plant and animal species, and special-status plants and animals as designated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), and the California Native Plant Society. Biological resources also included waters of the United States and State, as regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), and CDFW. The biological resources analysis also provided mitigation measures for “potentially significant” and “significant” impacts that could occur to biological resources. Client: Raney Management and Planning
Mossdale Landing Project, City of Lathrop, California
M&A prepared a biological resource analysis for the proposed residential and mixed-use commercial development called the Mossdale Landing (the project). The project site is 477.3 acres of farmland located on a portion of the area known as the Mossdale Village component of the West Lathrop Specific Plan in the City of Lathrop, California. The project developed 16 neighborhoods with 1,690 dwelling units, 653,399 square feet of village and service commercial uses, parks, two K-8 schools, a fire station, and open space. Biological resources included common plant and animal species, and special-status plants and animals as designated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), and other resource organizations including the California Native Plant Society. Biological resources also included waters of the United States and State, as regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), and CDFW. The biological resources analysis also provided mitigation measures for “potentially significant” and “significant” impacts that could occur to biological resources. Client: Pacific Union Homes
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) Intermodal Facility, San Joaquin County, California
M&A prepared all necessary biological submittals and acquired all necessary environmental permits for BNSF’s 500-acre site located approximately four miles east of the City of Stockton. M&A completed a Biological Constraints Analysis which was adopted by the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) consultant hired by San Joaquin County. M&A also prepared responses to biological comments for the circulated Draft EIR. M&A conducted a full wetlands assessment on the 500-acre project site and had the delineation confirmed by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. M&A prepared an Individual Permit application for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The Individual Permit application included an “alternatives analysis” and wetlands mitigation plan, and a mitigation plan for project-related impacts to the Federal and State listed endangered giant garter snake (Thamnophis gigas). M&A and project engineers designed a wetlands mitigation plan that included dedication of a 56-acre mitigation site. The wetlands mitigation plan included constructing an in-stream weir and approximately 3,700 feet of new stream channel with associated side pools. Finally, the mitigation plan included a full native California planting plan. The Corps obtained a non-jeopardy Biological Opinion for the proposed project from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and issued an Individual Permit for the project.
Tracy Sand and Gravel Project, San Joaquin County, California
M&A worked with the project applicant to secure environmental permits for the proposed Tracy Sand and Gravel excavation site located in San Joaquin County. M&A conducted all necessary special-status species surveys. Negotiated with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish and Wildlife to use the San Joaquin County Multi-Species Habitat Conservation and Open Space Plan (SJMSCP). Worked with the San Joaquin Council of Governments as necessary to use the SJMSCP. Acquired necessary permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and California Regional Water Quality Control Board. Developed a wetlands mitigation plan. Conducted all necessary post compliance special-status species surveys. Client: Granite Construction Company, Stockton, California.